南口のこってり豚骨は武士道で決まり!looking for heavy tonkotsu??go to bushido at South Gate 南口的豚骨拉面
Strong heavy taste of Tonkotsu!! Chashu is incredible.
There are also dip noodles and seafood tastes
オリジナル調味料 武士の素
Original seasoning “bushi no moto”
ライスほしい!!!!I need rice with this!!!!
濃厚派には超オススメ!!highly recommend for those who like thick type ramen!!
手軽 | 商品 | 密着 | コスパ | 総合 |
5 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 |
駅近 | 濃い | 濃厚系1位 |