⑤とん丸 韓国料理屋!駅近!コスパ良し!焼肉かつ酒もつまみもガッツリ派にはここがベスト!Korean restaurant!in front of Koiwa north gate!best for those who eat everything a lot,meat and side dish and alcohol. 手軽 商品 密着 コスパ 総合 雰囲…
チャーハン定食850円 fried rice meal set 850yen
西側出口から高架下沿いすぐ 和翔 means "japanese""fly"
headlines.yahoo.co.jp This article says that 30 millions foreighners visited japan in 2018,on the other hand,A lot of troubles are happening. Ramen is so popular these days for foreighners but they do not know the way how to eat. there are…
場所は四中の前 in front of koiwa daiyon junior high school. ひっそりとたたずむ昔ながらの蕎麦屋
蔵前橋通り東寄り eastside on kuramaebashi street